Thursday, March 03, 2005

I am pretty sure throwing pennies into this fountain prevents your wish from coming true.


Anonymous said...

Great idea for a script. How much will you sell it for? Ha! Ninjas! Fantastic! ...seriously though. I was thinking... ("dots" imply "thought.") "Opaque". The word "Opaque" causes one to think of which color? Black. (I'll assume we all chose "Black.") So, if the fundamental color of Opaque is Black and the opposite of Opaque is understood to be Transparent then, the opposite color of Opaque must be... White. (Correct.) Here's my point. If White is Transparent and I am classified as White (on legal forms and surveys) then, people should be able to see right through me. If that's the case then, why am I brimming with LIES?!

Anonymous said...

"Throwing" never makes anyone's wish come true. It only leads to broken windows and dreams. You should try "tossing", "dropping",
"flicking"... "pinching"? pennies into that fountain. Better yet, save that penny and 99 others. You'll have a dollar. 99 more of those and you've got a Benjamin. 99 more of those and you're seriously going to have to consider nicknames and/or adoption.

Anonymous said...

Son of a... I posted the ninja thing on the wrong blog entry. Son of a... I just posted my internal monologue. Hmmm... Yes, you can definitely get sick from eating poop, even in minute quantities! Although urine emerges sterile from the body (unless the person has an infection), poop emerges loaded with bacteria and sometimes other life forms. Many diseases, including food poisoning, cholera and typhus, are spread by fecal contamination. Many parasites, such as the notorious tapeworm, can be spread through deliberate or accidental ingestion of poop.
There are some parasites, such as pinworms, who depend on people eating their own poop to keep the population up. Pinworms are small nematodes that live in the colon. The females emerge from the anus at night to lay their eggs. Their activity makes the anal area itch. The person scratches the itch (often doing so in his sleep), procuring a small amount of fecal matter and eggs under his fingernails, and then puts his fingers in his mouth. Once the eggs are consumed, the person is infected with a new generation of pinworms.
I have read that almost everyone has pinworms. Luckily, pinworms don't do much harm. You only notice them if you have a lot of pinworms! If you want to find out if you do indeed have them, get someone to gently touch around your anal area with Scotch tape while you are sleeping. The worms will stick to the tape and you'll be able to see them.
...I have the strangest internal monologues.

Two Guns said...

Thanks for the scotch tape idea, not only is it a great way to find worms, but it is also... no, wait, actually I don't think I want to share that at this juncture.

Anonymous said...

Come on... share with me. No one is reading this but You and Gibbs... and kids... and cookies and milk. But THAT'S it.

Two Guns said...

It's the kids I'm worried about.

Two Guns said...
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Anonymous said...

I'm pretty sure throwing dollars -- or your life -- into the department where this fountain is prevents your wish from coming true, too.

A symbolic architectural feature it is, in that sense.