Saturday, November 05, 2005

F You, Regression

"I've sought so hard to sustain this gain/Now watch me give this ground away/What can i do but admit I'm in over my head?/Colors fade from blue to dark red."

"My exit unobserved/And my homesickness absurd.../I said "water" expecting the Word would satisfy my thirst/Talking all about the second and third/When I haven't understood the first."

Tears stand ready in the ranks, awaiting an order never given, in keeping with their training.

But these songs have happy endings.

Lucky for you, Regression, it isn't Wednesday.


Anonymous said...

Grow up.

Two Guns said...


Anonymous said...

dang. just so you know, twoguns, that anonymous comment was not the so-called "infamous anonymous" that usually post on here, which is me. Anyways, I have a surprise for you this weekend. *MUAH*