Monday, January 30, 2006

Look Ma, Iambic Pentameter

Goodbye Easter Ham, Director's Cut.

I loved you like no other could, yon ham.
And I with happy heart and joyous face
Would sup with you alone, not leg of lamb,
And daily I would lie in your embrace.

Then time did come for us to say adieu.
I sealed thee In Ziploc with a kiss.
Oh muse, my love in absence fonder grew.
My nights were filled with dreams of you on Swiss.

But something awful chanced then to transpire.
A Locked gate separated me and fridge.
My bosom was robbed of all it desired
By a chasm no mortal man could bridge.

And now, apart from you in pain I dwell,
Here all alone in this, my hamless hell.


Anonymous said...

Now that's poetry.
-Bill Shakespeare

Anonymous said...

Yeah, that iambic pentameter is tasty and oh-so-balanced. Your sonnet should be a food group.