Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Hey February, Pick On Someone Your Own Size

I don't have time to talk about it, but that has never stopped me in the past. My old photography teacher told me that I am artistic, which I thought meant I was good at art, but it turns out that it just means I'm sensitive.

My source of Northern Wisdom told me that our generation is subject to "quarter-life crises," and that was good to hear because from the way I have been feeling I thought I was going to die at forty. I hope that last one made sense because I thought it was really funny.

I wrote a poem about all of "this" for a class. It's one of those "I don't know what I am saying yet" kind of poems. It was supposed to be free verse, but I stopped short of polishing up the meter because I had other things to put off. I hope you like it.

A Title would be Venturing a Guess

I hope this poem takes a long time to write
Because if I finish it too soon, well…
I will be in trouble; I will be forced
To move on and do something else
And since this is a poem I will not lie,
Right now I feel like I would rather
Drop out of school and get a job
Than figure out this stupid business letter
Assignment. Last Thursday I told my friend
That I was acting like a big baby,
That I just needed to buck up and do it.
But that was when it wasn’t due tomorrow.
I find it’s easy to be optimistic
When the future is an idea,
And it’s easy to get depressed
When I stop to identify the problem
And I’m ashamed of what I think is wrong.


Anonymous said...

i like this poem. i actually feel the same way lately...

Anonymous said...

wow....she really does stalk you.
Anyway, "I find it's easy to be optimistic when the future is an idea." Amen. It's not so easy when the future is now...or now is the future.
Workshop poem?
And since I am in a complimenting mood, I'd like you to know that I am in awe of the brains and wits you bring to poetry class. And may your Paddingtom Bear always wear his galoshes.