Friday, September 02, 2005

Just Breath

That is from a song. I remember it from a commercial about cameras that take polaroid sticker pictures of guys you like, and they make you giggle in that special "commercial girl giggle" sort of way, kind of like those commercials where (in which) girls are just cracking up about how many blackheads they just suctioned out of their nose pores. I think a better title for this blog would have been nose pores. Then again, if the title was nose pores then I would have to restrict my entry to the topic of nose pores, and who really wants to type or read a blog about nose pores? I know I do and probably will someday, but not this day. No, this day I fight! That was, ironically, a somewhat nasely line from a movie, which is sort of like a commercial, only in the movie it is guys who giggle, and they are named Merry and Pippin. I should have titled this blog giggle. That would have been funny. Not laugh-out-loud funny, but funny-on-the-inside funny, like when someone says "Do you remember when we had nap time in school? We should have that in college too," but no one goes any farther with the conversation so no one laughs out loud, but most of the people who heard the comment still think it was a funny little thing to say and they quietly appreciate what was said. I agree, that was pretty funny. Yeah, s/he is a funny person. You wouldn't guess it, but after you have been around her/him for awhile, you start to notice. I submit that this has taken you longer to read than it took me to write. I win infinity.


Two Guns said...

go to bed

Two Guns said...

okay, jerk

Two Guns said...
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Two Guns said...

that was inappropriate

Do you remember when I said...

I think you meant "Just Breathe." Could be wrong... Don't know the exact homo-erotic commercial that you're referring to. And I think you're title should have been "How to Write Without a Purpose."

P.S. I thought you were going to buy the rights and continue the "Twenty-Six Part Series" from me..?

Saint K said...

what...the...hell. two-guns (hyphenated for dramatic effect) is/has been/always will be/holy trinity/cocoa puffs the funniest shaman I may have ever met. On with the what the hell.

Anonymous said...

B the W, no I do not remember when you...but no one should be up until 3 AM to make a stupid stupid comment like that, Stupid.