Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Ninth Part of a Twenty-Six Part Series

Part Nine*:


"I" stands for Ichthyology, which means "the branch of zoology dealing with fishes." Unfortunately, in conversation the word could easily be misunderstood for "Ick, theology," which means "eww gross, the study of God" and is not welcome in many religious circles. To avoid this and a host of other socially awkward situations, zoologists who specialize in fish should avoid the topic of their occupation altogether and talk about something else, such as politics.

*In recent usage the word "nine" also represented the planet Neptune in the mnemonic, "My Very Educated Mother Just Served Us Nine Pizzas." However, despite vehement protest from Red Baron the Neptune representative was changed to Nutella after the International Astronomical Union approved a definition for "planet" that excludes Pluto.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You've just given me the title of either my memiors or a new non-missionary blog. I'm not sure which.

(I'm referring, by the way, to the current word. I think you can make the connection.)