Monday, October 23, 2006

This Guy is Always Sending Out Newsletters, Volume 1 Number 1

Good atnoon all yea faithful.

The writers of This Guy are currently hard at work on things among other things, but we want to take a moment to make you aware of a few exciting events on the horizon.

Many of you are probably aware that this Friday marks the first annual Two Year Anniversary of our publication. Expect something big and prepare to be disappointed or appointed accordingly.

The construction of "Wild Animal Panorama Puzzle," by Haruo Takino (alternately titled "Noah's Ark Panorama" by those who maintain that hippos ship separately) has hit a blog-worthy (we're highly selective here at TG) snag. Keep your eyes peeled (metaphorically) for "Puzzles, Part Four of a Three Part Series Told in Two Parts and an Additional Part or, The Additional Part II," out soon.

Finally, the editor would like to acknowledge Anonymous, a frequent contributor of comments, by again, and this time willfully, publishing this fine and oft-used response: "word."

Word indeed, Anonymous. Your word has touched us all.


Saint K said...

I've been after that little Haruo for years now. Some how he always seems to burn his paper trail.

Anonymous said...

(Finally, some love.) word

Anonymous said...


"The Parable of the Lost Piece"

from the gospel according to This Guy

If a man has 999 pieces of Haruo Takino's "Wild Animal Panorama Puzzle" (alternately titled "Noah's Ark Panorama") yet one piece is missing, does he party with the 999?

No, verily, yea and such.

He lights his oil lamp, goes to the lint trap and picks through the gray fuzz to pull out the small scraps of paper that used to be the last piece and glues them together, hugging the bedraggled piece to humself and rejoicing, "I've found the lost piece!"

Two Guns said...

Lo and verily, there are but 998 pieces, and reach down though This Guy did with vigilant crook and rescue the one from yon lint trap, the panda yet cannot partake in his brother's joys.